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S4 Ep44: best in class

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2023


Welcome to The 10 Minute Beauty Business Podcast.

In this episode titled "Best in Class," I share my personal experience as a salon owner and business coach, offering valuable tips to help you grow your beauty business. I discuss the success of our recent birthday sale promo at the salon, where we sold $900 worth of products in just a few hours. I explain how our approach to sales and promotions has evolved over time, focusing on creating a unique and appealing experience for our customers.

I emphasize the importance of understanding your clients' preferences and tailoring your promotions to meet their needs. By offering a blanket sale for three items or more, we found that our clients were more inclined to make larger purchases. I also highlight the significant cost savings we achieved by eliminating extravagant party days and instead focusing on strategic promotions that require minimal additional resources.

Drawing from my experience as a former educator for a prominent beauty industry corporation, I discuss the concept of being "best in class." I share how my mentor, Sandra Humphries, inspired me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my business. I invite listeners to reflect on what being "best in class" means to them and provide my own definition, emphasizing the importance of integrity, positive influence, and exceptional customer service.

Tune in to this episode for valuable insights and actionable strategies to take your beauty business to the next level. Learn how to create successful promotions, prioritize customer satisfaction, and embrace a mindset of excellence in the ever-evolving beauty industry. Don't miss out on the opportunity to grow your business and become the best in class.


If you have any questions that you would like answered in this way send them to [email protected]





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